Hi all
So, my last post didnt seem to have worked and my questioning to the moderator didnt warrant a reply so a couple of weeks on I have decided to try a repost. I posted an album a while back on Lillesdon Girls School which I had done for a location recce for a music video shoot that I had been contracted to direct for a band called Go Yoko and all seemed well with the location.
I went back to Lillesden Girls School the week before the shoot to check that nothing was happening with the location and unfortunately over the weekend work crews were all over it so we were left with a week to go and no location to film in. On a limb I plunged into deepest darkest Kent and headed down to Woodnesborough to check out the old brickworks to see if it was viable and I have to say that this place was AMAZING!!!! I loved it.
Anyway I have attached below some examples of the place and also some shots of us at work in the place. This place is well worth the visit but do it soon because some of the girls in the riding school over the road told me that it has now been bought and is scheduled to be knocked down for housing over the next year.
Hope you like:
And now some of the shots from the music video shoot....
As always ..... thoughts appreciated but please bear in mind that these are not my normal type of photography as when I went here I only had an iPhone for the location shots and all of the video shots are actually screen grabs from video footage. Hope you enjoy the journey though
So, my last post didnt seem to have worked and my questioning to the moderator didnt warrant a reply so a couple of weeks on I have decided to try a repost. I posted an album a while back on Lillesdon Girls School which I had done for a location recce for a music video shoot that I had been contracted to direct for a band called Go Yoko and all seemed well with the location.
I went back to Lillesden Girls School the week before the shoot to check that nothing was happening with the location and unfortunately over the weekend work crews were all over it so we were left with a week to go and no location to film in. On a limb I plunged into deepest darkest Kent and headed down to Woodnesborough to check out the old brickworks to see if it was viable and I have to say that this place was AMAZING!!!! I loved it.
Anyway I have attached below some examples of the place and also some shots of us at work in the place. This place is well worth the visit but do it soon because some of the girls in the riding school over the road told me that it has now been bought and is scheduled to be knocked down for housing over the next year.
Hope you like:
And now some of the shots from the music video shoot....
As always ..... thoughts appreciated but please bear in mind that these are not my normal type of photography as when I went here I only had an iPhone for the location shots and all of the video shots are actually screen grabs from video footage. Hope you enjoy the journey though