Me and my mate Simon were bored on boxing day so we went for a dash round this very local, very recently closed quarry. The weather was atrocious and I couldn't find the wellies so we only really did about half the site, ignoring the asphalt plant simply because we started at the wrong end of the site and literally could not be arsed to trudge across a field of pure industrial sludge to get to it, it was chucking it down in buckets.
Anyway, this place produced gravel and asphalt or something, smelt pretty strong in places. It closed on December 12th due to the recent restructuring within the Hanson company. Pretty uninspiring really, but it killed a few hours and I thought I'd stick it up so people know its there, Oxfordshire seems to be lacking in quality derps. As per usual, I didn't photo half of what we saw, this time because getting the camera out the bag didn't appeal too much considering the torrential downpour.
Ping! And the lights came on. The conveyor rooms also had cctv cameras for remote monitoring.
Assumedly, these are the aggregates.... That's not why I took this shot though. Didcot <3.
...and that's yer lot.