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Report - - Hayworth House / St Peters Hospital, Chertsey - May 2019 | Asylums and Hospitals |

Report - Hayworth House / St Peters Hospital, Chertsey - May 2019

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know there have been a LOT of reports on here for Hayworth House, but strangely I've not seen any photos from the other buildings on site. So I thought I would post a few.

Access is very easy for all except one, which took us a while to work out.

Enjoy the pics :-)

St Peters Hospital_17.jpg

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HDR St Peters Hospital_42-45.jpg

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St Peters Hospital_34.jpg

St Peters Hospital_39.jpg

St Peters Hospital_47.jpg

St Peters Hospital_48.jpg

St Peters Hospital_52.jpg
St Peters Hospital_58.jpg

St Peters Hospital_59.jpg

St Peters Hospital_66.jpg

St Peters Hospital_68.jpg

St Peters Hospital_69.jpg

Harry Brown

28DL Member
28DL Member
Went to visit here yesterday, we pulled up and found a van which seemed to be security and the area was fenced off, after abit of scouting we got in and were faced with another security van, so we gave up as it got too dark and plan to go back soon


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Went to visit here yesterday, we pulled up and found a van which seemed to be security and the area was fenced off, after abit of scouting we got in and were faced with another security van, so we gave up as it got too dark and plan to go back soon

Went there early today and there were 2 vans on site which I presumed to be security and there was someone using a forklift to move stuff about. Also seemed to be a digger on a site. All this on a Sunday morning!


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Don't know why people try going in through the active stuff (of which there is a lot), there are easy ways to get to the derelict bits without being in sight of anything or anyone for the most part...


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Don't know why people try going in through the active stuff (of which there is a lot), there are easy ways to get to the derelict bits without being in sight of anything or anyone for the most part...

Actually looking at Google Maps again, I realise the error of my ways. I think I was thrown off by the fences blocking the main route and then went with the classic 'round the back' option.

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