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Report - - Headland hotel - Port Isaac - Sept 2020 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Headland hotel - Port Isaac - Sept 2020

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Closed in 2011, the Headland Hotel in Port Governe has been left abandoned for over 9 years. Initially the owners tried to sell off the property for £2.5m however a buyer wasn’t found and it’s still just sitting there. Demolition and plans for a new hotel were approved back in 2015, but to date no work has been carried out on the site bar a very intimidating looking fence around the exterior. We encountered no security, no cameras no nothing, entrance to the hotel was very easy, honestly I was more worried about nosy locals.

Inside was fantastic, though there are a few holes in the floor on the ground floor, none of them dropped down more than a few feet. The next two floors were a mix of; relatively untouched, badly vandalised or simply rotten. There really is a mix of everything, well worth a look for anybody interested - demolition was approved 5 years ago so it’s definitely not going to hang around too much longer and there are some signs of upper floors giving way so definitely get there while it’s still standing !

Please forgive the poor photos, I’m certainly no photographer and only had my iPhone camera. First report done, Hope you enjoy ! (And definitely go see this place !!! )










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