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Hello I am new:} Ireland based | New Members Introduction |

Hello I am new:} Ireland based

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hello everyone,
I've been lurking on the forum for a good while but recently decided to get more seriously into urbex since I have more time for it now :}
I am based in Ireland - Kildare but I am ready to explore further into Ireland!
I am less nimble then probably a lot of you so that has been a bit of a worry for me with urbex which is why I am starting smaller and trying to build up the strength and knowledge :}
So far I have done some small explorations around buildings and in some ruin type locations - and got some nice photos!

Recently I visited the Connolly's Folly in Kildare it's an abandoned gated monument, which I was thinking to write a report on but I am unsure if the location is a little too small for that :}
And now I am specifically working on trying to locate the - Art Deco "Cult House" but have some other locations lined up too :}

Can't wait to dive in even further! :D


Regular User
Welcome to 28dl..
"Size doesn't matter".

What does make a difference to whether to post a report or not are things like:
is it publicly accessible such as a museum, conserved building etc.
do you know the history?
do you have enough good photos (this doesn't mean a lot of photos, but certainly more than a couple)?

Read the sticky about posting reports and look at any other similar sites that have been posted and that will help you judge too.

It would also be 'new' so that might smooth the ride a bit.

I'd also add that as a first report you'd already be contributing to the bulletin board and hobby far more than the majority of people do.

Have fun and stay safe.


28DL Member
28DL Member
Welcome ! Im
Also relatively new on this site but have been exploring for some time .
I’ve been to the art deco cult house very recently . New fencing has been put in place but it’s still accessible . My last visit was very quick as the owner was on site which happens occasionally.
Good look with your explorations