Hey, newer explorer here. I took a walk with my partner today through some woods, Sandlebeat Woods if anyone's local to donny area, and came across what I think is an old pump station for water back in the day. its old, gorgeous but there's a dark kind of feeling that comes when you go inside. I've always been more sensitive to that kinda energy feel, I don't believe in ghosts, but energy can't be created or destroyed, only transferred. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone had any history or knowledge of any of the stories told about it? I'd love to get a clearer idea. Planning on going back there with my sister on Tuesday, but I do only have just one photo (Excuse the bad quality, I broke my camera but I'll post again on Tuesday with more pictures of the place that are clearer to see.) honestly it just gives bad vibes, but the intriguing kind. can't find anything about it anywhere, so anyone with any knowledge, please help!