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Report - - Hermitage Mill, March 2019 | Industrial Sites |

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Having spotted this place years ago we’ve only just managed to get around to explore, once onto the site entry into the building was pretty easy, each floor got worse as you went up, flooring was very unstable in some areas and fallen through in certain parts, but majority was safe enough to walk around freely, nature has started to take over, with plants, wildlife and the elements consuming the mill, each floor had documents, receipts and the staffs clocking in books dating back further then 1945 with a lot of the equipment and tools are still there,

Abit of history about Hermitage Mill was built along with a number of other textile mills along the river Maun in approximately 1780. The original structure was constructed from local sandstone and is arranged over lower ground, ground, first, second floors and attic level. By the 1870's the mill was extended with a large southern brick extension and a flat roof extension on its north end. Other additions included an engine house, by 1878, and boiler room. It then became a builders merchant until it’s closure in 2008 leaving it abandoned ever since.








28DL Regular User
Regular User
I never managed the main mill despite trying many times!

Interesting to see the inside!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Good update. I thought this place was due to be converted ages ago?
with it being a grade 2 listed building I think they’re having some trouble getting permission, good luck to him hearding all the pigeons out when work starts though


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Anymore pics looks like a big building?
I’m not very good with a camera but I’ve got some more, Each floor pretty much looks identical, the basement photos wouldn’t show anything good as it really was that dark down there & I was only using my phone...

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