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Report - HI-Finish Castings - Birmingham - December 2020

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member

So there doesn't seem to be much online about this place but from what i did find is that the land was bought in 1935 at a cost of £12,000. In between 1935 and 1941 the building was built and an inventory took place in July 1941 at a cost of £25,269. The nature of work was Casting of other non-ferrous metals - Manufacturing high pressure zinc and aluminum die castings, surface coatings (chrome plating, powder coating and lacquering) and assemblies into a number of United Kingdom and European market sectors. Their client list included Bentley and Jaguar.
The company went bust sometime in 2008

The Explore
So we we headed up to Birmingham for a day of exploring.
Our 1st stop didn't go according to plan after having the local police squad called out to a report of lead theft by nosy neighbors!.
After satisfying them we were only there to take pictures they happily let us go!.

So with that behind us i certainly wasn't going to let that scare us off back home!
So next up was this place witch id known about for over a year but wasn't sure if it was still there as id seen no reports had surfaced since mid 2018.
I certainly couldn't find anything online so say if it was now a housing estate or a Lidil!
So after checking maps it looked like it was still there & to my surprise it was!
Slapped right in the middle of houses on a busy main road i took my chance and went for it.
Over the main palisade gate i went only to discover another huge gate and and endless palisade fencing, this was going to be tricky but after a quick site assessment i was in.

The main factory has definitely seen better days with parts off the roof now on the floor meet there was pieces of mental and bird crap everywhere.
However up stairs in the main building & offices it didn't seem to be doing to bad.

The pictures

























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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
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Bloody hell. Should be fixed now


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great pics. Not too much has changed since we went and that was a couple of years ago. So where you get busted ?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Great pics. Not too much has changed since we went and that was a couple of years ago. So where you get busted ?
At a primary school mate. Had to scale a flat roof for access so guess that's why locals thought we was nicking lead.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Went here in 2018, it's taken a bit of a beating since then I see. I thought it would be largely untouched due to how hidden away this is. Nice to see an update though, I enjoyed visiting this site. Good work!


Camera Drowner
Regular User
That's not too shabby at all. I remember trying this place ages ago and it was a little too bait at the time.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Not a bad report. The water leakage makes for a great reflection. Lots of decay going on. The table & chairs are a bit odd lol. Fair play for not being put off by police and fair play for going over a few palisade fences. They are the only fence I cant do, unless a spike is missing and ive something to get me that high lol. :thumb


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Not a bad report. The water leakage makes for a great reflection. Lots of decay going on. The table & chairs are a bit odd lol. Fair play for not being put off by police and fair play for going over a few palisade fences. They are the only fence I cant do, unless a spike is missing and ive something to get me that high lol. :thumb
Haha yea good old boys in blue . Yea I won't go in to details exactly how I got on site ( don't wanna make it to easy for others lol) but it wasnt easy that's for sure. But my determination paid off

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