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Report - - HMS Royal Arthur, Corsham. (Graffiti heavy) Jan 2014 | Military Sites |

Report - HMS Royal Arthur, Corsham. (Graffiti heavy) Jan 2014

flying solo

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This was my second planned port of call for the day, since I have seen photos of this place I have wanted to go and look at the graffiti, I have taken a few interior and exterior shots but the graffiti was the main aim.
After half hour or so I came face to face with secco, he was walking towards me as I came out of a building, I spoke to him and said what I was doing and asked if it ok if I could stay and finish, after asking a couple of questions he said I could, he also told me of box mine just up the road and that they had cleared between the buildings so the big equipment could get in and demolish the place, He said that it would be flat within 3 to 4 weeks, so I got there just in time.
As I was making my exit there were two policemen standing there, they again asked what I was doing and did I know I was trespassing, I told them and yes I knew and that I had seen secco. That was that, we had a quick chat (They never even asked me who I was) I found they we going to see the secco to ask if he had seen a group of kids, I said I had only seen him in there so they turned around and went back to their car.
I know you like a little history so this is what I found
"Royal Arthur Park (RAP) near Corsham in Wiltshire was formerly a Royal Naval Leadership School from 1939-1993 called H. M. S. Royal Arthur, but since this time has been left derelict and unmanaged. Applied Ecology Ltd was appointed as ecological advisor to help support an application for re-development of RAP as a continuing care community by Lunney Assets Corporation, and have been involved with the project since 2007.
All buildings within RAP have been vandalised, partly destroyed and are subject to regular disturbance as a result of unauthorised public access. The site is a popular destination for graffiti artists, and the buildings are decorated with wide range of regularly changing artwork."

full set here
HMS Royal Arthur Graffiti 25/1/2014 - a set on Flickr


















