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Report - - Humber Radio Station Trusthorpe Lincolnshire Feb 2021 | Other Sites |

Report - Humber Radio Station Trusthorpe Lincolnshire Feb 2021

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Dan Dan The Urbex Man

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Humber Radio commenced operations on 7th December 1927 as a new station in new buildings at Trusthorpe near Mablethorpe, equipped with the latest communications technology, taking over from the former Grimsby Radio and continuing that station's callsign of GKZ.
The new station was built in close proximity to the sea, it's site having been partly chosen to provide a good location for a direction finder (DF) installation covering the River Humber area. The buildings were of a similar design to the flank stations at North Foreland GNF and Cullercoats GCC. The new station opened with a compliment of 11 staff comprised of nine Radio Officers, a Handyman and the Officer in Charge/Station Manager.

It closed 30th June 2000.

Explore: Access is very simple, park outside or walk to it from the street or beach and walk straight through the open doorway! Once inside you'll see the remains of once was all those 20 odd years ago. Your greeted with a huge corridor which is cool. The saddest part is a door layed on the floor with the words last show 3pm today. There is some vandalism but seen places in a lot worse state than this. Check it out if your in the area it's pretty ace.
Thanks for looking





My favourite shot of the place

Last show...

The plaque still survives




Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Interesting isolated building. Im surprised by the lack of beers cans & joint remnants, would of thought local kids would love this hangout.

Nice to see an og sign. Looks like a nice location being amongst sand dunes.

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