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Report - - Hurst Sand Quarry - Biddulph, Staffordshire - April 2021 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Hurst Sand Quarry - Biddulph, Staffordshire - April 2021

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Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
History - There isn't a lot of history available for this place. From what we can find online the quarry has been used for mineral extraction since at least 1877 up until 2014. There were plans to build houses on the site but it seems this has now fallen through. The latest plans are to re-open the site as a quarry.

Explore - This has been covered in another report quite recently but we were in the area for another explore so thought we'd drop by. There isn't much to explore but the colours of the buildings in contrast to the rust and sand gives the place a wild west feel which we found enjoyable.














Thanks for looking.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Looking good,

I went over here last year, strangely enough I'm sure there were people working in the main building at the front, plus a bloke pulled up and was doing something in the big shed.



Wife and husband
28DL Full Member
Like this a lot. Good find!
Thanks. It's been posted on here once before so can't take credit for finding it, There isn't a massive amount to explore but the colours of the the place make for some great shots and there's a fair bit of interesting machinery. A braver man than me could have got some amazing shots from the top of the biggest structure but it was making some interesting creaking noises which convinced me that it might not be the best idea.....
Looking good,

I went over here last year, strangely enough I'm sure there were people working in the main building at the front, plus a bloke pulled up and was doing something in the big shed.

The main building looks abandoned now but is secured and has active camera's from what we could see.
Like a bit of Quarry action
This place has a cool atmosphere about it, we are finding that industrials make for some of the most enjoyable explores.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
I really liked this. Some great shoot action there. The rusting makes the colours pop out. Nice coverage:thumb


28DL Member
28DL Member
Looks like this place is now no longer abandoned, seems like some farmer is using it to store his cows and hay bales.

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