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[I am] waving from Hertfordshire! | New Members Introduction |

[I am] waving from Hertfordshire!

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28DL Member
28DL Member
I have always been fascinated by abandoned buildings. In my youth, we explored a derelict (huge) house in Hadley Wood. Outside, there was a metal sign (like an old road sign) that said "DEAD SLOW OR DEAD CHILDREN". It didn't stop us from entering though!
Moving on from there, I lived within 5 miles of the primary mental hospitals outside of London. They were mostly closed in the '90s (Shenley, Harperbury, Napsbury, Cell Barnes and Hill End). I have memories of most of these places whilst they were still in operation, due to knowing staff working there, children of the staff, going to their 'tuck shops', etc.

Oh, how I wish to have gone to some of those buildings when they were abandoned and before they were destroyed and estates built upon the grounds. I truly love seeing the photos that people post as it brings so many memories back to me.

So, I am hoping that I can find a new passion and become an explorer, like you guys. Please be kind to me as I am a total newbie and will do my best to follow the rules, but also very happy to receive any advice.

Please get in touch if you are also in Hertfordshire :)