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General - - i've been access to a undocumented site in nottingham tomorrow at 3pm | Industrial Sites |

General - i've been access to a undocumented site in nottingham tomorrow at 3pm

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
hi ya guys, there's a site near nottingham city center that's been metal boarded up for the last 5-6 years. only way in is through the padlocked door. well today i parked up in my van next to the site whilst on my breakfast break and i noticed the door was open, so i sat and waited to see if anyone came out, 20 mins later 3 guys came out, so i thought i'd ask them whats going on, turns out they are doing a survey on the building, so i asked if he would be there tomorrow (wednesday) and could i come and have a hour inside with my camera and have a shoot, He said "yes, no a problem." so tomorrow at around 3 i'm going to go down and have a little explore around. now i'm not going to tell where the site is untill i've been and had a go in there and do a report, but if your free tomorrow around 3pm i'd be happy to have a bit of company (nikon user pref) so i can get a few tips on using my camera too, pm me if your game...

Jack Rabbit

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Take plenty of photo's, it just goes to show if you don't ask you don't get. I'm off work today.


28DL Regular User
Regular User

Knock yourself out George!


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
(nikon user pref) so i can get a few tips on using my camera too,

..Proves once again having a DSLR is not a substitute for common sense :D