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Report - - Jolly Angler Manchester 06/22 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Jolly Angler Manchester 06/22

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I'd had nothing but failures all day; all the places on my radar were sealed up or inaccessible. I came close in one place only to find all the doors screwed shut.
A crappy wet Sunday until I had a quick look at this place!
I can't say how but it was an easy entry, although - finding the power on made me suspect an alarm. But, thankfully not which made me suspect homeless living there.
I didn't hang around for long just in case, and also the place was like an assault course - everywhere looked like a Fly tipping site! So pictures aren't so numerous but quality, not quantity!
Built in 1854 it is one of the few remaining of it's kind; live music (Usually a Fiddler) an eclectic gathering of regulars and evasion of the mass redevelopment that is raping our city of its' heritage. Rant over, the Reynolds family ran it for 34 years and they will be sad to see it go.
It was closed in 2020 and sold on but it's future is unsure, CAMRA got over a 1000 signatures to preserve it but a waiting game continues!

Front room - with a burning light to attract the masses:

Other side:

The bar:

Roll out the....

Below ground window:

More rolling:




Enthusiastic Idiot and prolific BS talker
28DL Full Member
Barrels left still on the lines, if it was a planned closure the barrel's owners (brewery) would have wanted them back, they're not cheap
What was the history, did the licensee die and the other members of the family not able to take it over, or did it just not make enough money?


The building was owned by the brewery Hyde's who sold it as part of a new development proposal to regenerate that part of Manchester. As the brewery owned the building they would have known what had been left behind such as barrels. In 2021 Hyde's refused to comment about the sale whilst CAMRA started a campaign to save it


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
When I drove past the other day the top was gone from the window! So someone may be squatting on the top floor .

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