I posted a lead on this a while ago but never got round to checking it out. Seeing soylent green’s report (cheers for the tips mate!) though gave me the kick up the backside I needed to get down there.
Going there in broad daylight didn’t turn out to be a problem. The only ‘secca’ of any kind we encountered was a kid jumping up and down on his trampoline in his garden. Too busy bouncing to notice a thing.
Was quite a gem to see, especially after visiting the its “North London†sister.
The Kidderpore Reservoir in Hampstead was built in 1867 by The West Middlesex Water Company. It was last reroofed in 1963 and the new roof is set to be completed by January 2015. It holds about 12 million litres of water.
There have been mysterious sightings of a strange rubber duck called Quackpot, seen floating sinisterly on the surface of the reservoir.
Now there’s what you call a quack-ing report
Going there in broad daylight didn’t turn out to be a problem. The only ‘secca’ of any kind we encountered was a kid jumping up and down on his trampoline in his garden. Too busy bouncing to notice a thing.
Was quite a gem to see, especially after visiting the its “North London†sister.
The Kidderpore Reservoir in Hampstead was built in 1867 by The West Middlesex Water Company. It was last reroofed in 1963 and the new roof is set to be completed by January 2015. It holds about 12 million litres of water.
There have been mysterious sightings of a strange rubber duck called Quackpot, seen floating sinisterly on the surface of the reservoir.
Now there’s what you call a quack-ing report