I could not really recall this one when we were on the road, Speed said it was pretty empty but we were passing so it was worth swinging past.
Originally built as a distillery, it was later converted to a papermill, built around a castellated tower. Well it's got a tower to climb at the very least... but as it turned out it had lots more than a tower to photograph!
We started with the tower, which was pretty rotten when you got to the top but the last dodgy staircase was just passable for panoramic views of the mill and surrounding farmland. From the tower we spotted what looked like a boiler house and labs so we decided to have a better poke about and see what else we could find.
Well I have learned something... if a laboratory is empty then you should check under it's floor! The cavity between ground level and the floor of the labs was packed with vintage equipment, bottles, age old crisp bags and the wares of the mill... paper.
The engine house was also nice with a huge Mather and Platt sprinkler system and electrical cabinets of a good vintage. The mill itself was stripped bare but the surrounding buildings made up for it. The first aid room was also very intact and like the rest of the place retrotastic!
We eventually decided to move on, hindered by some stray surveyors and a fella making an epic meal out of moving a skip from a trailer!
Originally built as a distillery, it was later converted to a papermill, built around a castellated tower. Well it's got a tower to climb at the very least... but as it turned out it had lots more than a tower to photograph!
We started with the tower, which was pretty rotten when you got to the top but the last dodgy staircase was just passable for panoramic views of the mill and surrounding farmland. From the tower we spotted what looked like a boiler house and labs so we decided to have a better poke about and see what else we could find.
Well I have learned something... if a laboratory is empty then you should check under it's floor! The cavity between ground level and the floor of the labs was packed with vintage equipment, bottles, age old crisp bags and the wares of the mill... paper.
The engine house was also nice with a huge Mather and Platt sprinkler system and electrical cabinets of a good vintage. The mill itself was stripped bare but the surrounding buildings made up for it. The first aid room was also very intact and like the rest of the place retrotastic!
We eventually decided to move on, hindered by some stray surveyors and a fella making an epic meal out of moving a skip from a trailer!