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Report - Kirkcaldy Campus - Scotland - May 21

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Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
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Kirkcaldy Campus


The abandoned and derelict Priory Campus of Fife College sits between Victoria Road and Kirkcaldy Harbour and comprises a former B-listed building and a more modern building called The Round House. The buildings are in a sad state of disrepair and all windows and doors have been boarded up. The site has also been used as a fly-tipping site with piles of rubbish left by the buildings. The road access from Victoria Road has now been blocked to road traffic. You can walk down this wooded lane to reach the site. There is a small overgrown path with lights at the top of the site just off to the right of the tarmac entrance road which gives you a good view of the Priory House from behind.


This is IMO a awesome design for a accommodation building & its a shame its been left to get in the state it is. with recent fires Im pretty sure the only way it will be heading is down!











Thanks For Looking​

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Another one I've not seen before, kind of reminds me of TV centre. Nice work!

sure its prob been done & its a fkin mess tbh. cool place for pics though & completely open, there was a local with wheelbarrow near the entrance & we thought he was gonna have a go at us but turns out he was just barrowing & "flytipping" waste from his garden down there :lol

Should of got some of my mates drone shots for this one tbh it looks ace


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Is the large former mill building down the hill from the roundhouse back in use now then? That was the only part I found accessible a number of years ago, the roundhouse and priory were both well sealed as it had only closed for a year or so when I stumbled across it after doing the now demolished Victoria Power Station across the road.




Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Is the large former mill building down the hill from the roundhouse back in use now then? That was the only part I found accessible a number of years ago, the roundhouse and priory were both well sealed as it had only closed for a year or so when I stumbled across it after doing the now demolished Victoria Power Station across the road.

yeah I strteetviewed th ecampus before we went & u can see boards everywhere. Said to my mate not sure we will get in this one which was just laughable tbh everything was wide open