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Report - - L &H Polymers / Reacro Rubber co Northampton March 2011, pic heavy | Industrial Sites |

Report - L &H Polymers / Reacro Rubber co Northampton March 2011, pic heavy

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hadn't gone into anywhere for a while and was getting that itch. So when Mookster mailed me about this place I had to go. We popped in for a look a St Crispins en-route, and took a few snaps but nothing really to report - thoughts of doing the clock tower were scotched by the workmen on site so we headed for the main objective.
I can find very little about the two companies whose names appear on the front of the building, L & H Polymers was sold in 1997, and companies house say it was dissolved, as was Reacro Rubber Co Ltd. Almost every hit from Google seems to be other urbexers. It's big , despite being stripped and vandalized there's plenty of interest and fairly simple access, the only downside is it right next to a giant sewage works and the smell is eye-watering.

So to the pictures.

Every abandoned site seems to have a fire extinguisher dumped outside. I can do a gallery of fire extinguishers and have all but a couple of places I've been to.

Computer grave yard.



View of downstairs stitched from 3 photos.

A few bits of machinary can't have been worth enough to merit shifting their weight and bulk, this is a detail from one.

This must have been a canteen / rest area. The lonley chairs have got together.


We were trying to date when the building was emptied. We found a couple of things from when the place was open with 1999 dates on and some of the graffiti had 2001 in it. This must have been shortly after 9/11


The upstairs space was pretty interesting. Somewhere I could do a shoot with a model, and I wouldn't be the first.




Detail on a drum of something oily

Love the texture the rust is giving the lettering on this sign

Another chair, this one is lonley.

Health and safety tip, when stairs with bits missing also stuff have stuff growing out of them, it's nature's way of saying find another route.

Work can wait.

Thanks for looking