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lavender line Sussex 17

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28DL Full Member
On the hunt for new stuff last year (large or small) we came across these old carriages in East Sussex, after the Tenterton trains it seemed like a good idea to get on goggle maps and trace old lines.
With a possible lead from maps me and cheryl headed off on the hunt, a drive and a walk around paid off as we found (not that they were lost) a bunch of interesting old carriages on a siding.
Not the greatest report but thought id share for anyone local as that part of Sussex is a tad dry for exploring, id recommend using goggle earth on the cuckoo line as well for anyone interested in this sort of thing ;)


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Amateur and proud
28DL Full Member
Very cool! I drove down to check out Tenterden back in March, living in Bedford it was great to see the crane wagon which was built here.