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Report - - Leatherhead Food Research Laboratories, Surrey - June 2018 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Leatherhead Food Research Laboratories, Surrey - June 2018

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Well this one got fucked pretty quickly. Within a week of me first setting foot inside secca and police were all over it and signs up warning 'urban explorers' to keep out. I could slap whoever it was that was stupid enough to describe themselves as that when they got busted.

I'd done a few recce trips up here in the middle of the night and had the place sussed out. I just hadn't made the effort as I didn't have high hopes for it. At the tail end of a week with no plans for the weekend I text prettyvacant71 to see if she fancied a wander around here and she was up for it. We met up before sunrise and she helped me in via a pretty awkward access point, I had a quick scout and was happy there were nothing to worry about inside, then held my breath as I opened a fire escape expecting alarms to go off... silence! Right fuck this lets grab a coffee.

After a caffeine boost we had a wander around and started getting our shots, the early morning light was lovely in the labs. I then gave @Grom the heads up we were in and he later joined us. A nice chilled out day, and it sounds like we were the only ones to have such an easy time there!

History blagged from Grom's report:

Since being Founded in 1919, Leatherhead Research has been working with food companies to research into many aspects of food products including Quality & safety, regulatory, nutrition, product development and sensory & consumer insight to the food and beverage sector.

Their wide range of work ranges from simple consumer testing and sampling to volunteers, to laboratory testing in near clean room conditions.

The Leatherhead research company was acquired by Science Group in September of 2015 and only two months later in November it was announced that they were moving to a new site just outside Epsom.

The now disused site in Leatherhead has been empty since early 2016 and is awaiting re-development, with all the usual talk of it being flattened and turned into housing.



























Thanks for looking!


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Great report and photos, cheers.

Haha! Yeah, just imagine the scene... ‘But officer, we are Urban Explorers. We leave only footprints...’

Slap indeed...
I’ve denied being one (I’d never describe myself as being one anyway ffs!) in custody and denied any knowledge of the forums. Just a nosy bastard with a camera who saw a way in, or if asked how I know about the place I always say I saw it on Facebook. No point drawing unwanted attention to forums or the fact that others might visit!

Mr Sentimental

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I’ve denied being one (I’d never describe myself as being one anyway ffs!) in custody and denied any knowledge of the forums. Just a nosy bastard with a camera who saw a way in, or if asked how I know about the place I always say I saw it on Facebook. No point drawing unwanted attention to forums or the fact that others might visit!
Nicely said... some people are just amateurs! :D Great pics by the way and I just wish I had big enough balls to try a place like that!


Staff member
Not sure why, but this is NP on DP..

TBF to Krela, it's took him years to realise certain sites are best away from prying eyes, maybe not this one though, I dunno the reasons ?

Good effort all the same :)


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Nicely said... some people are just amateurs! :D Great pics by the way and I just wish I had big enough balls to try a place like that!
Thanks. Places like this don't take balls, just common sense and a stealthy approach. And its not about being amateur or whatever, just not being a total fucking idiot about it helps. I'm sure the goons who got caught rocked up in the evening not giving a fuck and got spotted by the neighbours.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Not sure why, but this is NP on DP.

TBF to Krela, it's took him years to realise certain sites are best away from prying eyes, maybe not this though..

Good effort all the same :)

Well I was told about this by @Grom, and he was told by @alpha. Grom fired his posts up rapid style and I messaged him saying I was gonna hang back from posting because we agreed to give alpha the access info, so it got moved into NP and has remained there. By then it had been seen and pounced on and fucked. But hey, shit happens. The keep out sign is priceless though!


Camera Drowner
Regular User
Nice report! Your photos came out really well. Yeah I was way too excited to get my report up and should have held back a bit or posted it straight to NP :rolleyes:. It got jumped on it and the rest is history. It's a pretty cool site though, certainly nice to have something new and clean to see in Surrey.

No-point postng to NP now though, that ship has sailed.


Be gentle
28DL Full Member
Damn just as i was about to post my report! Police caught us red handed too, shame about those who baited out the community...


28DL Member
28DL Member
Good photos. Looks just the same as when I often used to visit it officially in the 1970s-90s, minus equipment and plus a few weeds.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Im just glad I got to see what I did over my various visits without having to go through the saga of the old bill! Theres still interesting bits to be seen with the added fun of dodging the anti-urbexer gear :thumb

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