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Report - - Littlebrook Power Station Chimney - Kent - July 2019 | UK Power Stations |

Report - Littlebrook Power Station Chimney - Kent - July 2019

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James Cross

28DL Full Member
History taken from Wikipedia: "Littlebrook Power Station is a series of four oil and coal-fired power stations situated on the south bank of the River Thames, next to the Queen Elizabeth 2 Bridge and the Dartford Tunnel in Dartford, Kent. The final power station, Littlebrook D, ceased operating in March 2015. And is now under demolition."

i a bit more information about the history of each part of the power station but I won't go into that here.

Explore: On a crisp Thursday morning me and a mate set about exploring this place before it gets demolished. It had been on my list for some while due to the height mainly. We scouted out the perimeter fence in the dark and made our best ideas of which way we would access the site and how.
As we were scouting out the site, the site security kept driving around randomly every 5-15 mins shining what looked like the brightest torch in the world all over the fence and chimney. After dodging his beam we went back to the car to get some food and went for things to get a bit quieter.

We came back with good time before the sun had risen and made our way into the site, with my heart pounding we climbed in and managed to get to the stairwell aside from both of us ripping a bit of our clothes and me cutting my hand on very sharp wire:(
Next came the stairs, good thing we both brought dust masks as I felt like I could have passed out and developed some sort of lung cancer with the amount of asbestos and dust in the stairwell all the way up.
After a good 15 mins of climbing stairs we finally made it to the top with very strong cold winds.

We both took in the view and waited for the sun to rise whilst we got out cameras out. After taking lots of photos and sitting down and admiring the very busy Dartford crossing at 6am we made our way down before any workers came in. Going down the stairs was a hell of a lot easier than up but the asbestos was still off putting. Out the site and back home, all in a great explore and the highest thing I have climbed to date at 215M.

Photos: More photos in the comments as the file size is too large!




Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
For 2 weeks last month they turned the chimney lights off, as dynamite was being loaded into the place, ready for the blast early 2020!!
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