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Report - - LLanyblodwel Quarry, Shropshire, November 2012 | Industrial Sites |

Report - LLanyblodwel Quarry, Shropshire, November 2012

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28DL Member
28DL Member
This is my first report, so please be tolerant with me, i am fairly new to this sort of photography and my budget doesn't allow me to have amazing equipment at the moment.

I've been itching to have a look round here for years, my first attempt was foiled by, what i presume, was secca, but i have no idea why they were in there, no ones been there for years and I've never seen anybody about the site before (its about a mile from my doorstep)
My second attempt was more successful, however we were sprung almost instantly, but by an elderly gent who lived right next to the place walking his dog. We explained what we were doing and he proceeded to have a chat, apparently all the activity is to do with the quarry changing hands once again to a German company who have upped security due to a recent break in from people trying to get the copper out of the (still live!!!!) substation.
The people i nearly ran into on my first effort where from the Tanat Valley Light Railway trust and were carrying on with their restoration work of the rail lines.

Unfortunately all the buildings are now well secured and unobtainable without causing damage, so we couldn't really get any interior shots.

I can't really find an awful lot out about it, i know it closed c88/89 but have no idea when it opened, has changed hands relatively recently, it was run by ARC when it was open, but now Hanson Lafarge have their sign up on it, and until recently seemed to use it as a gravel storage yard, as explained above, it has now been bought by a German company (who also own Criggion quarry).

Was nice to have a look around but i am afraid i have failed as far as good pics go, so i await some bad comments, i also must apologize about the blurry pics, light was quickly diminishing and my Fujifilm was struggling a little. sorry!
I read the rules and FAQ's and think i have done this right, i hope so, let me know if anything is wrong.

My way in......



Under the main road


First thing we came across were these old rail carriages



Old signage on what seems to be the old garage



What i believe to be an old gravel grader



Simply a tree with a tyre round it


and a tree with a girder in it


No idea what this is

Best have a look then..........


The pool created in the quarry bowl, the old man claimed that this is up too 400ft deep, not sure if that's true.




A nice hazard waiting for me!


Target practice?


Rolling stock at "llanddu junction" as it seems to be called.....



That's all i got folks.