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London Urbexers - can exchange stuff

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi, so I have a decent amount of urbex experience, but none in the UK. I am from London, but have not managed to do any urbex here. I'm looking to join some London urbex to introduce me to the ways of the UK. I am willing to travel to areas around London too.

I am, however, deeply acquainted with the Paris catacombs. I know many entry points and know my way around the catacombs and have lots of experience going down there, I was there a couple weeks ago. I know where the ossuaries are and how to get to all the cool shit in the GRS, and I have contacts who I'm sure could help me find other networks (whether that is advisable given the guarded nature of cataphile culture is a different question!).

If any Urbexers in London are willing to take me on an expedition or two, I am more than happy to help with the catacombs in exchange. Particularly interested in the various DLS and subterranean spaces, but I'm open to anything.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi, so I have a decent amount of urbex experience, but none in the UK. I am from London, but have not managed to do any urbex here. I'm looking to join some London urbex to introduce me to the ways of the UK. I am willing to travel to areas around London too.

I am, however, deeply acquainted with the Paris catacombs. I know many entry points and know my way around the catacombs and have lots of experience going down there, I was there a couple weeks ago. I know where the ossuaries are and how to get to all the cool shit in the GRS, and I have contacts who I'm sure could help me find other networks (whether that is advisable given the guarded nature of cataphile culture is a different question!).

If any Urbexers in London are willing to take me on an expedition or two, I am more than happy to help with the catacombs in exchange. Particularly interested in the various DLS and subterranean spaces, but I'm open to anything.
I know my way into a few of the deepshelters in london so could show you some of them.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That would be absolutely awesome, send me a DM! I'm going to Paris again on Thursday, if anyone wants any specific parts of the catacombs documented let me know (GRS specifically)
The catacombs are on my bucket list of places I want to go, but I've not found anyone who's experienced enough to show me around as I don't fancy being lost in a foreign country where I don't speak a word of French.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
That would be absolutely awesome, send me a DM! I'm going to Paris again on Thursday, if anyone wants any specific parts of the catacombs documented let me know (GRS specifically)

The catacombs are on my bucket list of places I want to go, but I've not found anyone who's experienced enough to show me around as I don't fancy being lost in a foreign country where I don't speak a word of French.
Well I've been down like 9 times now, I went down by myself the first time and usually do go down by myself. It certainly helps that I speak fluent french. I meet some really cool people down there actually.

I'd be happy to show you round sometime. We can do a quick weekend trip to Paris. I'm London based btw.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Also I know loads of entrances, I used the famous one in the tunnel once but it's the worst one to use, takes you to a part that's a bit of a walk from anything interesting through really low crouchy bits so it's a bit shit. I just use manhole based entrances depending on which part of the catacombs I want to visit.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Also I know loads of entrances, I used the famous one in the tunnel once but it's the worst one to use, takes you to a part that's a bit of a walk from anything interesting through really low crouchy bits so it's a bit shit. I just use manhole based entrances depending on which part of the catacombs I want to visit.
Can you get into any of the bits with loads of bones? All the photos I've seen from explorers in there they just look like empty tunnels.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Can you get into any of the bits with loads of bones? All the photos I've seen from explorers in there they just look like empty tunnels.
Yes I can, I know a couple entrances close to that part too, to save trekking.



28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Wow those are really well preserved, it must be scary being down there on your own with the amount of bones lol.
Lol it's honestly not that creepy. Only time I felt creeped out was visiting Viandox, an ossuary in the south, as it's a part that's not very frequented so I got a bit sketched out that I likely wouldn't run into another human for a while...