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Question - Looking for high risers around London

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
After hitting the Wood Wharf building, i decided to lay low around Canary Wharf.
After finding out it had an injunction😅

Does anyone know of any tall buildings that are abandoned or under construction that they’ll be willing to share.
Or any cool sites, not necessarily tall.
Ohh, and we are looking for a challenge so don’t be afraid to suggest difficult spots.


One Life. Derp It.
Regular User
Welcome to 28!

I would recommend you give the the Survival Guide a quick read (28 Days Later Survival Guide for Newbies. | New Members Introduction), it’ll help get you started with he forum and provide you some good tips for getting on well with the hobby.

As for finding locations the search feature ( is a great resource, try typing a few places near to you in and see what comes back.

Looking forward to seeing your work.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Welcome to 28!

I would recommend you give the the Survival Guide a quick read (28 Days Later Survival Guide for Newbies. | New Members Introduction), it’ll help get you started with he forum and provide you some good tips for getting on well with the hobby.

As for finding locations the search feature ( is a great resource, try typing a few places near to you in and see what comes back.

Looking forward to seeing your work.
Been on here for a while, got some nice ones.
After i hit the Wood Wharf skyscraper, i wanted another high riser.
And i did search for some but I couldn’t find any.


O high
Staff member
I think that’s probably a wise idea regarding the avoidance of the Canary Wharf estate; plenty of other high rise adventures to be had in the capital !


Queller of the uprising
I have and i got confused, you’re not allowed to ask for locations.
Yet there is so many posts doing the same, ill delete it if that’s what you want.

It’s frowned upon to ask for locations outright, however, as you state, people still do, but that doesn’t mean you should.

Use the search box for assistance, research Google maps, news articles, and when you’re out and about keep your eyes open.

Sure you’ll find something new soon but just be aware, and research again what may have an injunction or what may be slightly more risky than most.


28DL Member
28DL Member
This is kinda the opposite, but the Camden deep level air raid shelter needs abseiling or good climbing skills to enter as it’s a huge bunker complex. My friends and I did it and the entry was lots of fun and very challenging as you have to go along befor sunrise so as not to be seen. Not sure of any sky scrapers though. Great back rooms feel inside and great fun for difficult entry.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This is kinda the opposite, but the Camden deep level air raid shelter needs abseiling or good climbing skills to enter as it’s a huge bunker complex. My friends and I did it and the entry was lots of fun and very challenging as you have to go along befor sunrise so as not to be seen. Not sure of any sky scrapers though. Great back rooms feel inside and great fun for difficult entry.
Did it already about a month ago,did it in daylight.Camden is used to weird stuff, so no one even cared, restaurant next to the climb was looking at us but nothing else.
Not really difficult to climb, but definitely not easy.
Thanks though.









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