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Looking for locations (East Yorkshire)...

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Hey, new here.
So I'm based in East Yorkshire, about 5 minutes out from Bridlington. & Aren't sure of anywhere near me apart from the old RAF camp near Driffield, of which I've hit a few times but then the latest time (last year) we came across some guy with an air rifle? maybe a bb gun, either way, he was big & asked us to leave, so we did. I believe it's since being used as an Airsoft place.

I've heard of the old Rowntree/Nestle factory in York & the Ice Factory in Grimsby, but am unsure as to whether these are still standing if anyone knows?


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The nestle factory in York is still standing & abandoned. I passed it around 1 month ago and there was a security car plus cameras/sensors on temporary stands hooked up to a generator/battery

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