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Report - - Lostock Power Station, Northwich - November 2015 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Lostock Power Station, Northwich - November 2015

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The Explore
So this is one I've been wanting to see for a long time but thought it was either gone now or not accessible.. then I heard otherwise and set off a few after hearing the news. We aimed to get here under cover of darkness after the horror stories of Tata pursuing people privately for trespass on this site. Turns out we got there just a little too early and had to spend an hour or in almost complete darkness listening to the horrendous noise this building makes in the wind. Also quite shocked by quite how close the live areas are to this building, at one point we were literally one door away from the live area! Great adrenaline filled explore this one was though :)

Visited with @Funlester and a non member

The History
Bowman Thompson & Company originally owned the site but was sold in 1900 to Brunner Mond whom with a seven year closure reconstructed the site producing sixty tonnes of soda ash a day. This figure rose to 800 tonnes a day in 1926 with all of the Brunner Mond assets being turned over to ICI.
Lostock a coal fired powerstation was decommissioned in 2000 when E.ON built there new Combined Heat & Power plant at Winnington, Lostock is due to be flattened for a new Sustainable Energy Plant to be built on the site.














28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nicely done mate :thumb

Hope you didn't trip over any mooring ropes in the dark like I did ;)

Thankfully not but I'll certainly never forget the noises that building was making! Sounded like someone dancing on the roof at some points haha


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thankfully not but I'll certainly never forget the noises that building was making! Sounded like someone dancing on the roof at some points haha

I'm not normally nervous but I was jumping like a Mexican Jumping Bean with all the discharges going off lol.

Winnington needed a new Tourist Hot spot , at least it'll give the Soda Ash Secca a break for a while ;)
(I imagine someone with say ;)


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know exactly what you mean.. if they are true maybe the stories of Tata prosecuting people might deter some people from visiting. I know it had me on edge wondering what would happen if we were spotted.. then again it all adds to the fun I suppose :)

Und3rc0ver Genius

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Lovely that, especially the first shot. UK turbonz ftw! Got caught here last week; spent bloody ages crawling along the fence line next to the car park, got over the security fencing, got to the door. Was just about to open it when it swung open anyway and I was looking at a guy in blue overalls and a hardhat who was more surprised than I was.
"Uhhh.... Are you here on business?"
"Umm, no. I'm taking photographs".
"You know you're trespassing, right?"
"Yeah, I'll see myself out".

Oops. Still on the list though, I just have to remember that M62 traffic on a weekday morning is murder, and set off earlier!