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Report - - Maple Quays Tower Crane, Canada Water, London - March 2013 | High Stuff |

Report - Maple Quays Tower Crane, Canada Water, London - March 2013

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O high
Staff member
Maple Quays Tower Crane, Canada Water, London

Seffy and Grit.

Cheers to OliverT for the heads up on this one.

This was to be our final stop on our night in Landan, and we weren't really sure what to expect. After catching the last tube of the day (just), we found ourselves at Canada Water. We left the station in search of the crane, not sure where to look, before we realised it was right next to the station. Just a quick look up would have solved our troubles there..

This is a site situated right next to Canada Water station, which has two cranes, this one being considerably higher than the other. The high rise building is called Ontario point, and is being built by Barratt Homes, along with some lower structures on the same site - hence the smaller crane too.

Anyhow, after spending ages contending with nosey locals and taxi drop offs, we made a quick entry to the site, and started the ascent. The views were a lot better than I first thought they would have been, so was very pleased about that. Unfortunately, these could not be enjoyed quite as much as they should have been due to the wind. Now I've experienced wind of high speeds before, but this was just on another level. My tripod nearly went over on more than one occasion, so I didn't take too many pictures as most of the time was spent holding on to our gear!

So here are some of the photos that weren't blurred beyond recognition...










London, I will be back...​