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Report - Mapperley tunnel - Nottingham - Nov12

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The Wombat

Mr Wombat
28DL Full Member
Of the many abandoned tunnels in Nottingham, Mapperley tunnel is deep at 40mtrs, opened in 1876, and closed in 1960, is accessible, but in terrible condition due to mining subsidence, and a previous collapse.

The south portal is possibly the area in worst condition, with crumbling brickwork, and large chunks of masonry fallen from the top, but having said that it was raining more deep inside the tunnel than outside it! Found evidence of someone setting of fireworks inside; a bit reckless, as a sudden loud noise might bring the roof down.

The tunnel was 1132 yards long, but is now blocked after the second airshaft behind an astonishing monument to flytipping. It was built in open countryside at the time, but is now being slowly surrounded by housing estates. Visited with King Mongoose, and a new torch.








Astonishing monument to flytipping




This is taken from the other side of the tunnel side wall

First airshaft


Thanks for looking!

Tunnel Gricer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Nice collection, The tunnel entrance was much more pleasing before that bloody palisade fencing went up! Nothing much has changed since your visit inside still very sketchy around the entrance... Keep meaning to go beyond the 2nd shaft and also the 3rd...

The Wombat

Mr Wombat
28DL Full Member
Nice collection, The tunnel entrance was much more pleasing before that bloody palisade fencing went up! Nothing much has changed since your visit inside still very sketchy around the entrance... Keep meaning to go beyond the 2nd shaft and also the 3rd...

Thank you. I went back in 2016, and got some better photos then. Think I went past the tower of rubbish.

Didn't know palisade fencing had been put up. I'm surprised it hadn't gone up sooner, with the condition of the tunnel.