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Medlers Scrap Yard - June '18 | Other Sites |

Medlers Scrap Yard - June '18

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
No idea on the history of the place, theres a bit more info on other threads of the same place but no idea on the facts.
Looks like forest land someones been using for storage, unfortunately all vehicles have been left to rot.







Cheers dudes and dudettes.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
You got some great shots there, car graveyards make great photos, that pram is a bit weird though


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
No idea on the history of the place, theres a bit more info on other threads of the same place but no idea on the facts.
Looks like forest land someones been using for storage, unfortunately all vehicles have been left to rot.

Medlers was one of the largest and most well known scrapyards in the entire country until the 1990s. As you walk up the drive through it the fields on either side were all full of vehicles, Lenny Medler was well known in all the classic car and racing circles as the yard was so legendary. When the price of scrap skyrocketed in the 1990s the yard was systematically cleared and weighed in. Some of the cars were bought by banger racers who helped clear the land, I've actually seen a few vehicles from here get raced over the last few years as quite a lot of rare stuff was spared weighing in.

As for the stuff that's left behind, I guess they got bored of the job or the scrap price fluctuated and fell before they could finish it. The family still own the land, I actually met one of the Medlers on my first visit there. Really nice guy.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
No idea on the history of the place, theres a bit more info on other threads of the same place but no idea on the facts.
Looks like forest land someones been using for storage, unfortunately all vehicles have been left to rot.







Cheers dudes and dudettes.
The pram looks like it just came out of a horror movie!!

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