Had a nice little trip over to Banstead the other night with a couple others to see this place. Nursing homes are interesting ones for the thoughts of what kind of lives the ederly had at their time there and their lives beforehand. So much history in one place. Would quite honestly love to sit down and have a chat with a few of the people who lived/worked there to find out more. It's a fairly trashed one but still a lot leftover to see. Found a weird part to this place aswell on my return trip in the day. At the back of the garden is a like another strange garden... they aren't attached nor is it attached to another garden but it's there. Will include pictures at the bottom or in the comments but my thoughts are that a homeless man used to live there and somewhat built himself a home out of leftover furniture and tools from the nursing home. Was a little creepy.
Will actually do a small bit of history for once and leave the rest for you fellow people to research...
Merok Park Nursing Home was owned by Mr & Mrs S Cooppen and closed in late 2014 due to all inspections of the place including staff were reported "inadequate". It's been said "there was mould growing on the walls" and "a strong smell of urine in multiole rooms" (which there still was on my visit).
All residents were evacuated in the middle of the night for another report of "abusive staff".
The actual explore was really good with a lot to see. Vandals agin have made their way to it with grafitti and smashed windows/belongings. Not a terrible amount of it though so was sort of a plus. Easy entry straight through the front door and easy to locate on maps. It's definitely one to check out just if you're in the area or within driving range. The eeriness of it all aswell knowing what went on before visiting definitely added to the suspense.