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Report - - Midland Mills Bradford June 2015 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Midland Mills Bradford June 2015

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The Crew of the Nautilus

When I was a kid.... No wait, I still do that !
This part demolished grade II listed mill in the heart of Bradford was originally built in 1871 and was home to British Mohair Suppliers (Mohair is a type of wool made from the hair of a goat) – it closed around 2001 and has since been part demolished to make way for a £35 million pound mixed residential/commercial complex.
While West Yorkshire's woollen mills were booming in Victorian times, life was not so fun for many of the workers they employed. It was typical in 1849 to work a 12-hour day and 60-hour week, with an hour and half for meals - which remained the case until 1870.
Workers in the local mills were predominantly young and female, with a dozen women, boys and girls for every man. Many of the children employed were 'half-timers' who worked at the mill for half a day and spent the other half at school.
Onlookers - men paid to work with women - earned up to 22 shillings a week, while women working in the weaving shed received up to 10 shillings.
One washroom had to serve 34 workers in a single mill, and children employed there were often susceptible to illness. The life expectancy for tradesman was just 25 years - compared to 60 for the upper classes.
Wool was a dominant industry in northern England until retailers began to look abroad for lower production costs in the 20th century.
150 years ago these now-derelict woollen mills would have been noisy, stifling and full of toiling workers on 60-hour weeks. But gone are the days when the huge mills towered above the skyline of Bradford, helping to make the county the wool capital of the world. Now, almost a century after the area’s wool makers pulled their final threads, the eerie shells of its forgotten mills are being brought back to life, demolished or left to fall into ruin.
The Crew and I, along with the Urbex Hound visited recently and had a good mooch around, some areas of the site are needle heavy, some areas derelict , some awaiting the long promised revamp into luxury apartments.

A bit photo heavy so I'll probably do a Part 2 to this.

















Bradford's budding Artists









This was like a scene out of Reservoir Dogs, dark basement came around a corner and torchlight fell on this.





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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
The History is supposed to be at the start of the report & you could do with increasing the gap between pics, will make them stand out more with some separation.

Decent pics but I wouldn"t take any Dog in any of Bradfords Mills or any of the Druggie Infested Derps even for protection, it"s not like it"s gonna notice needles.... what were you thinking :eek:
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Idle Hands

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Not a bad report there with some interesting facts, enjoyed reading it.

Your pictures are all showing twice though so you might want to just edit the duplicates out :thumb

The Crew of the Nautilus

When I was a kid.... No wait, I still do that !
The History is supposed to be at the start of the report & you could do with increasing the gap between pics, will make them stand out more with some separation.

Decent pics but I wouldn"t take any Dog in any of Bradfords Mills or any of the Druggie Infested Derps even for protection, it"s not like it"s gonna notice needles.... what were you thinking :eek:

The Crew of the Nautilus

When I was a kid.... No wait, I still do that !
Comments noted re the history and pic gap, still getting the hang of posting so with luck it should improve.
As for the dog, she goes everywhere, sorry if that offends but she's always by my side.

The Crew of the Nautilus

When I was a kid.... No wait, I still do that !
Yeah thank you I noticed and have made adjustments, still getting the hang of posting reports and have to admit the report writing side isn't a strong point it may improve but don't hold your breath.
Thanks for the comment.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Comments noted re the history and pic gap, still getting the hang of posting so with luck it should improve.
As for the dog, she goes everywhere, sorry if that offends but she's always by my side.

Yeah that looks better :thumb

It"s just the issue of needle stick injuries to the Dog i was thinking of, especially knowing what it"s like in those areas especially Midland Mills. It"s hard enough for a person to avoid them all.
The Dog does not have a choice regarding entry or know what to avoid once inside. That"s the pointi was trying to make mate.

Also if you click on the reply box it brings up the quote and you can add text to it rather than creating multiple threads.

The Crew of the Nautilus

When I was a kid.... No wait, I still do that !
Yeah that looks better :thumb

It"s just the issue of needle stick injuries to the Dog i was thinking of, especially knowing what it"s like in those areas especially Midland Mills. It"s hard enough for a person to avoid them all.
The Dog does not have a choice regarding entry or know what to avoid once inside. That"s the pointi was trying to make mate.

Also if you click on the reply box it brings up the quote and you can add text to it rather than creating multiple threads.

Thanks for the advice, and I do understand where your coming from, but believe me the dog does have a choice and knows her own mind I don't force her to do anything she doesn't want to do. Although she likes a good nosey around she is cautious and me and the Crew keep a watchful eye on her.
No offence meant by previous comment, and no offence taken either.
Thanks for the advice on postings.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
As for the dog, she goes everywhere, sorry if that offends but she's always by my side….Lets hope you don't get into doing cranes. Nice report by the way. passed this place many time but never ventured inside, almost did once but changed our minds. thank god some poor sod was found dead in a tent a few days later. been their a long time too.

The Crew of the Nautilus

When I was a kid.... No wait, I still do that !
As for the dog, she goes everywhere, sorry if that offends but she's always by my side….Lets hope you don't get into doing cranes. Nice report by the way. passed this place many time but never ventured inside, almost did once but changed our minds. thank god some poor sod was found dead in a tent a few days later. been their a long time too.
Not got her into Cranes yet but she's pretty good with stairs, you just have to watch she doesn't take your legs out from under you on the way down !!