Monckton Coke Works
Latest one from me, Explored solo but was spotted lurking by jST, and this is going to look a little bit laughable if you've seen jST's report
, but it's the effort that counts surely?
The Explore
Was a tricky one... The place is full to the brim with camera's, and I had a close brush with security, he ended up literally within a couple of feet of me whist I was prone behind some pipework... Very much a heart in mouth moment haha! Anyway, I bagged a few shots of the pipework, chimneys and decided not to push my luck any further and perhaps return another time...
Here they are then, not up to my usual standards, certainly wasn't a photography trip this one, left the tripod and expensive DSLR in the car...
And that's it guy's, cheers for looking as always, if you do decide to visit, keep your eyes pealed for secca!
Latest one from me, Explored solo but was spotted lurking by jST, and this is going to look a little bit laughable if you've seen jST's report

The Explore
Was a tricky one... The place is full to the brim with camera's, and I had a close brush with security, he ended up literally within a couple of feet of me whist I was prone behind some pipework... Very much a heart in mouth moment haha! Anyway, I bagged a few shots of the pipework, chimneys and decided not to push my luck any further and perhaps return another time...
Here they are then, not up to my usual standards, certainly wasn't a photography trip this one, left the tripod and expensive DSLR in the car...
And that's it guy's, cheers for looking as always, if you do decide to visit, keep your eyes pealed for secca!

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