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Question - Monkton farleigh 1985ish

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Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
Bit of a strange question but was speaking to an old hippy last night.

Anyone know if the above ground bit of burly/wansdyke was taken over by New Age travellers/hippies around that time ?

He told me some me stuff that seemed fairly accurate but that they parked their buses above the entrance..which is why I thought wansdyke but then the internals he described sounded like burly ?

Anyone old enough to remember ?

Bertie Bollockbrains

There is no pain
Regular User
if it helps... photos of hippies 1980s and 1990s in Wiltshire on this site

this photo is titled as Monkton Farleigh but dated 1995 not 1985, so certainly a location they had used

the background to this photo may be clue as to where exactly


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
Cheers Bertie I did see that site,some good photos.

From what he said sounds like he was in Burly

But he said their busses were parked in a field and they found the entrance through an old possibly near browns through what is now the grovel ? Possibly ?

It was a good tale either way


Sorry for the delay - my contact being a traveller himself reads emails as and when he feels like it, plus he is currently in France. he says "I know Monkton Farleigh was used by Travellers (on several occasions I think) I never went there so am not sure which years it was in use !!",- his website is at if you like old buses and lorries


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi there, this could be a good thread to ask on.

I'm thinking of visiting this weekend and have been told by a new age traveller that theres old military vehicles wrapped in cellophane down there somewhere. Does anyone know if this is true?


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
Hi there, this could be a good thread to ask on.

I'm thinking of visiting this weekend and have been told by a new age traveller that theres old military vehicles wrapped in cellophane down there somewhere. Does anyone know if this is true?

visiting where ? You won’t be getting in Burlington or Monkton.

farleigh down tunnel Is open

there are no military vehicles wrapped in cellophane down there


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
visiting where ? You won’t be getting in Burlington or Monkton.

farleigh down tunnel Is open

there are no military vehicles wrapped in cellophane down there

Going to visit Farleigh Down tunnel I got told somewhere within the whole ammo dump and mine complex theres military vehicles.

Never mind just thought it was worth and ask

Thank you


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
They were probably smoking some illicit substance when they told you that tbh


Rum Swigger
28DL Full Member
Just type Burlington/monkton farleigh into google,thousands of photos of the walkthroughs etc.

as far as I’m aware they only had small electric vehicles/forklifts on site,

the munitions came in via farleigh down sidings or tunnel quarry off the mainline tracks.....everything was moved around via conveyor systems as you will see in farleigh tunnel


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Thank you mate, yes I've seen loads of images and watched a video. Looks great to check out!

Going to check out Farleigh sidings but was going to have a look at the rest of the mine. I've read you can get access through muddy whole but people have said the local caving society use it which makes me think it's under lock and key. Thought it would be worth a look whilst I'm there. We will see!

Nice One!

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