Muckamore Abbey Hospital was built in the 1930's as a Mental Deficiency Institution. The site is spread over two sides of a minor road and comprises mainly of architecturally uninteresting standalone war era buildings, although in the last 10 years some of the site has been redeveloped and new inpatient wards built. The hospital is gradually being wound down and many of the buildings are now disused, although this is still very much a live site with patients wondering around. The site is virtually untouched, probably due to the fact none of the buildings are connected above ground. Sadly we had a plane to catch so could only make it into a few, although this place definitely has a lot more to offer. The main attraction on this visit was the mortuary, I definitely am interested to see what else comes of this place in the future. With hospital has a terrible track record and I can't see it being long before it's closed completely.