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Report - Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory, Cambridge - December 2020

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28DL Regular User
Regular User
Just came across this. You got some really stunning shots here. Wished I had made the effort for a middle of the night visit.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
Just came across this. You got some really stunning shots here. Wished I had made the effort for a middle of the night visit.
Cheers Mikey! Really pleased with them, I only used the 30 sec inbuilt exposure limit but its so dark there the stars came out nicely. There's always another visit as they say.


28DL Regular User
Regular User
Cheers Mikey! Really pleased with them, I only used the 30 sec inbuilt exposure limit but its so dark there the stars came out nicely. There's always another visit as they say.
That should be plenty of time. When I go up the coast to take night shots I normally only use 30 secs and that's max. I have used bulb once or twice. Go any longer and stars get blurry and yours are crisp. Maybe one day I will get back again.


Goes where the Buddleia grows
Regular User
That should be plenty of time. When I go up the coast to take night shots I normally only use 30 secs and that's max. I have used bulb once or twice. Go any longer and stars get blurry and yours are crisp. Maybe one day I will get back again.
Cheers that's good to know!

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