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Information - My return to 28DL plus a - Don't be stupid!

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Hi all, think it's been a fair few years since I posted on 28dayslater! (Probably around 8 years) - Life took a different turn for me and the camera ended up getting pushed to the side lines!

Anyways - moving onwards it's now 2022 and as well as my day job in IT I also volunteer as an Engineer at the East Kent Railway (Home of the Golgotha tunnel which I've seen a few people have posted reports of ). Yesterday on a day we were running a live train as part of a training exercise, we caught 2 guys trying to walk through the tunnel with camera's etc.

Just for the record - a couple of hundred tonnes of train does NOT stop fast without damaging the wheels, and completely destroying whatever it was in it's way (80kg of flesh doesn't do well in a dick swinging contest with a train).

Obviously I was an Urbexer myself, I probably still am if I gave myself a weekend in the car with the camera I keep trying to convince my old exploring partner to step away from wedding photography and get back out on the road again, so I do completely get it, but you've got to be safe and not take risks like that!

Not sure if you're in here part of 28DL but i've got a proposition for you - if you, or anyone else from 28DL for that matter, want to come down, during the day one week and actually light paint the tunnel properly or photograph the rest of the site (I can pretty much show you everything we've got), drop me a message to arrange it and I will gladly show you round the site myself (without the risk of getting knocked down by a train). That way we know you've done it safely and without risk.

All i'll ask in exchange for showing your round is you let me keep a copy of any decent photos you take so we can use them either around the site or on our social media, anything used on site will be credited to you as the artist- is that a fair swap?

It won't be a permanent offer - and i'll be taking this down in a few weeks before we start getting really busy!

I've pinched one of Ryda's photos of Golgotha just for the thread.


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A Predisposed Tourist
Regular User
I do like Golgatha tunnel.. common sense doesnt run high with some people, if they cant do 5 mins research online to suss when the trains run, then as speed said.. smoosh em ;)


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