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new member saying hi from basingstoke

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28DL Member
28DL Member
I'm new to 28DL and urbex in general, I've only explored a few places local to me so I'm looking for a few pointers or locations to explore that would be good for a beginner.


Looking for beauty
28DL Full Member
I'm new to 28DL and urbex in general, I've only explored a few places local to me so I'm looking for a few pointers or locations to explore that would be good for a beginner.
Hey man, I'm not too far from basingstoke. have a look around, read some guides and get chatting! people will be reluctant to share locations here especially until you post a first report but they are more than happy to give advice!

Midnight Odyssey

Smegma Grindset
28DL Full Member
Hey man, welcome to the site!

You probably won't get anyone giving you locations on here as we don't really tend to do that, but in terms of tips on finding places all I've ever done is use the search function on here to find places near me and then scoping them out on Google / Google Maps. That and just keeping an eye out whenever I'm travelling. Found a lot that way and so can you. Good luck!