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Information - - New Members - PLEASE READ! | Messages from Admin |

Information - New Members - PLEASE READ!

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I'll keep this simple..

Firstly welcome along, you're first posts here will be moderated for a number of reasons.

We've had an influx recently of new sign ups which is great, however 99% of them have been "Hello i'm xx from yy and looking for information/sites/details in my area" and similar

Going forward, any such 'first posts' WILL NOT be approved.

Please consider a suitable introduction including a bit about yourself, where you're from and what sort of stuff you're interested in, Industrial, Residential etc etc

People will rarely dish out info to someone we have no clue who you are, it's the same with any hobby really and should be a given!

Also, please have a read of the following that was kindly written by one of our members >


28 Admin/Mod Team

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