NGTE Pyestock - July 2011
Firstly, i'm a little bit hesistant to post this up as i'm worried it'll get ignored in favour of everyone elses' reports from the day, being the youngest and least experienced and all on the day but here goes.
Visited with True British Metal (cheers for the invite), Treadstone (cheers for the lift & playing tourgide!) and Landie-man (cheers for the old car related talk on the way up there!). Pyestock is a bit of a funny one for me, I first attempted it about a year ago with Mookster, the trips following that caused a massive fallout between us (now resolved) but i'm glad to have finally seen this place. Security was active all day with the roar of the 200TDI (thanks Landie) defender echoing in our ears every 20 minutes, with that, the foot patrols and the fact that we'd encountered police dogs here twice before left me on my toes for most of the day although we were never in any real danger thanks to Treadstone for taking the lead and showing us around.
On with the photos! I've included a few film shots at the end, I hope you enjoy it!
Our first place to visit was the airhouse, access was a bit dodgy with the constant threat of dripping acid from the smashed batteries and the pitch black steps to climb. (Mods don't worry - everything i've described was inside, I haven't given any details away).
With Treads's comment that he was responsible for me due to being under 18 in the back of my head I decided not to climb all the way to the top of the crane and settled for this panoramic photo instead.
The airhouse was really cool, I saw some recognisable names written in the dust and ofcourse added my own name and comments!
We proceeded to the airhouse control room, most of it had been trashed but they had seemingly left the actual control panel alone.
Downstairs in the airhouse on the way out, the floor was a bit unnerving due to being able to see right through it!
Next was cell four, and of course I had to go and get all the cliche shots.
Finally after getting Landie-Man to move I managed it although everyone else seemed a bit impatient at my "take 10 minutes for one photo" strategy!
We then moved onto Cell 3, lots more things to take photos of although I found getting an angle that looks right hard.
I think this was downstairs in Cell 3, I like it because of the police Rover P6 in the bottom corner!
At this point I was glad that Treadstone had bought me a torch, he said he knew i'd forget mine and I did!
The N.O 9 Exhauster
I know it's underexposed but it's got those airhouse-esque machines, I wonder what this was for?
A little bit out of sinc, these massive lightbulbs were awesome!
This part was worth reporting on! another control room I believe.
This control room was cool, I really like the old shcool telephone, presumably used to communicate throughout the site.
A final shot of the elabourate control room.
At this point in the explore we felt ready to leave, so I will leave you with these film shots, i'm really starting to get into this!
The Airhouse.
Chair hanging in the airhouse.
The control room.
Overlooking Pyestock.
Thanks a lot for reading my report, I really hope you can find the time to give me some comments & feedback!
Firstly, i'm a little bit hesistant to post this up as i'm worried it'll get ignored in favour of everyone elses' reports from the day, being the youngest and least experienced and all on the day but here goes.

Visited with True British Metal (cheers for the invite), Treadstone (cheers for the lift & playing tourgide!) and Landie-man (cheers for the old car related talk on the way up there!). Pyestock is a bit of a funny one for me, I first attempted it about a year ago with Mookster, the trips following that caused a massive fallout between us (now resolved) but i'm glad to have finally seen this place. Security was active all day with the roar of the 200TDI (thanks Landie) defender echoing in our ears every 20 minutes, with that, the foot patrols and the fact that we'd encountered police dogs here twice before left me on my toes for most of the day although we were never in any real danger thanks to Treadstone for taking the lead and showing us around.
On with the photos! I've included a few film shots at the end, I hope you enjoy it!
At this point in the explore we felt ready to leave, so I will leave you with these film shots, i'm really starting to get into this!
Thanks a lot for reading my report, I really hope you can find the time to give me some comments & feedback!
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