Nimmitabel Abattoir
The Abattoir was built in 1938 and closed in 1942 due to many factors (including WW2). It is two and a half stories high. The killing floor was at ground level, the refrigeration was in the top floor and the offal handling facilities on the lower level. It killed cattle sheep and pigs. It is located in NSW Australia, about 5 miles from Nimmitabel on the old Bombala road where the road the railway and the McLaughlin river meet. At it's peak the meat works employed up to ninety people. Further detail at:
The Explore
Despite how long the place sat abandoned, it remains in fairly good condition, with hardly any graffiti. That's because the location of the abattoir is far from major cities like Canberra and Melbourne, so it doesn't attract a lot of traffic. When Chris and I went, we drove 3 hours from Canberra to get to this place, possibly even more. The place is well worth the drive though! If you're going to be touristing Australia anyway, in the Canberra area, this place is worth the drive as it is located near the Snowy Mountains, a major ski resort in Australia and hands down one of the most beautiful places in Australia! Hit two birds with one stone.
The abattoir was somewhat difficult to find, and as such I would rate the difficulty level of this place as MODERATE. It goes without saying that you need a car to get here, preferably an off-road vehicle. We had to turn off on a dirt road and drive for a couple of km. Once you come across the rail line, you just follow that until you see the building. Park on the side of the road somewhere. The abattoir itself has no security - you just walk in. And then - have fun exploring for several hours. It has a real creepy vibe, maybe due of its remoteness. The abattoir is my second favourite explore, because of the journey we took to get there. We were also the first in the NSW urbex group that we know of to put this place on the map, which felt pretty good

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