After a great day under sheffield Me, Fudge and RW camped out on some murder site somewhere in the deep south yorkshire back country 
Waking up to stunning views we headed to Laybarns for an all you could eat english breakfast before heading out for some derpage.
Only took 5 half decent shots in here as mills really aren't my cup of tea but it was enjoyable none the less
Oh yeah and I pussied out of climbing up to the clock tower
I would say less is more but in this case less is probably less

Waking up to stunning views we headed to Laybarns for an all you could eat english breakfast before heading out for some derpage.
Only took 5 half decent shots in here as mills really aren't my cup of tea but it was enjoyable none the less
Oh yeah and I pussied out of climbing up to the clock tower

I would say less is more but in this case less is probably less