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Report - Nottingham Guildhall, Police & Fire Station March 2024

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I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Chalk this up as one of those places that I really should have done a while ago, but I rarely ever venture eastwards of Derby when heading up that way and hadn't actually found myself exploring anything in Nottingham since Radford Mills way back in 2012!

A brief portion of history shamelessly stolen from @MotionlessMike 's excellent post from a while back...

Nottingham Guildhall was constructed in 1887/88 in a French renaissance revival style by London architects Thomas Verity and George Henry Hunt, replacing the original 18th century Guildhall which was nearby on Weekday Cross in the Lace Market area. The new Guildhall contained the Nottingham city magistrates court with the police & fire stations in a separate building on South Sherwood Street – the latter pair being in use until the opening of the new central police & fire stations in 1938. The Guildhall was last used by Nottingham City Council staff as office space from 1996 until 2010 when they moved over to Loxley House.

Plans to redevelop the site into a 162-bed hotel have been floating about for a few years now and currently a joint venture by Locksley Hotels and Ascena is looking to deliver the following:

‘[A] 13-storey, £120 million project aims to restore the Guildhall to its former glory, as well as build a large new block behind it.
Existing courtrooms in the building will be turned into bar and restaurant facilities, retaining original listed features.
The Guildhall building itself will house the main entrance to the hotel, while the extensions at the back of the building would be knocked down.’

It really has been taking a battering over the last few years but I was still very happy to finally see it, and thanks to a tip-off from @crusader we found ourselves inside pretty quick. The place is a real labyrinth and we headed off in the vague direction of the courthouse, getting lost numerous times but eventually we bumbled our way into the courts part of the massive building. From there we looked around the Guildhall, spent a lot of time in the basement/vaults areas which I found very interesting, pretty much glossed over the completely destroyed police station part and then quite by accident found ourselves in the much cleaner fire station, which mustn't get too much in the way of foot traffic from imbeciles because it's so much cleaner than most of the building.

After spending much longer than expected inside and having a jolly good time, we re-emerged onto the street like nothing had happened and went for a very well deserved Morrisons lunch.






















Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice coverage. Some great shots of the police station, more areas than I've seen previously I think. 👍


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Was in here yesterday, someone had pulled one of the boards off the front of the court building and a number of teenagers where running wild and throwing slates off the roof. Scared the life out of them, they thought we were the Feds for some reason?
A man turned up to board it up as we where leaving along with the police. Shame its being left to get vandalised so easily.


I am friends with the smooth Mars Bar man
Regular User
Was in here yesterday, someone had pulled one of the boards off the front of the court building and a number of teenagers where running wild and throwing slates off the roof. Scared the life out of them, they thought we were the Feds for some reason?
A man turned up to board it up as we where leaving along with the police. Shame its being left to get vandalised so easily.

Speaks volumes of the IQ of those sort of idiots, who couldn't find and use the nice discreet access down one side of it.

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