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Report - - Nottingham, Sherwood Rise tunnel, jan 2022 | Underground Sites |

Report - Nottingham, Sherwood Rise tunnel, jan 2022

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I know this has been posted on here many times before and with better pictures but I wanted to share my experience with this tunnel,

Me and a friend (Bert) went and located the hexagonal manhole cover and explored the tunnel.

I was surprised at how warm it was down there and the large trash items at the beginning and the last thing to suprise me was the root I thought it was a stalagmites from other reports, I thought it would lead all the way to the Victoria entrance but realised after we got to the in filled section of the tunnel and climbed out into a wooded green that we were wrong, we did go and check out the Victoria site by the car park but it seemed boarded up pretty well took the drop off the car park for no return (if anyone knows how to gain access and's willing to share I'd be appreciative but I understand out right asking isn't the done thing on here)

Also if anyone could shed some light for me on what the hole is that's been dug in the pictures and why I'd appreciate that too Bert joked it could be a shallow grave but I doubt it

I am fairly proud that I managed to locate this from a video I saw posted on Facebook, the 1st 4 seconds gives a brief shot of where it is and I worked it out with the help of Google maps and a map on the old railway line

I have a few other buildings in notts I want to do so hopefully I'll get to report on one of those that maybe hasn't been uploaded

EDIT: I now realise after more research my bearings were totally off and that this tunnel isn't Mansfield tunnel but Sherwood Rise tunnel that heads away from Victoria and towards Basford instead (I'm fairly new to this forgive my errors)

I belive I could be right in thinking there must be another manhole cover in the same area that leads into the Mansfield road tunnel and towards Victoria? I don't know if anyone could shed light on that for me or not or if I'm barking up the wrong tree totally












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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I realise now after more research my bearing we're totally off and this tunnel heads away from Victoria towards Basford still new to this forgive me


28DL Regular User
Regular User
I belive I could be right in thinking there must be another manhole cover in the same area that leads into the Mansfield road tunnel and towards Victoria? I don't know if anyone could shed light on that for me or not or if I'm barking up the wrong tree totally

There is a manhole entrance into the northern end of Mansfield Road apparently based on some of the old reports on here, it's one I've been thinking of too recently so you're not alone with this one.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
There is a manhole entrance into the northern end of Mansfield Road apparently based on some of the old reports on here, it's one I've been thinking of too recently so you're not alone with this one.
I think I have it roughly figured out from a old photo where it is I'll have to go hunting again when I have the time

Tunnel Gricer

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
There is a manhole entrance into the northern end of Mansfield Road apparently based on some of the old reports on here, it's one I've been thinking of too recently so you're not alone with this one.
Last time I looked it had been welded up, it’s a 2 minute walk from the manhole that takes you into Sherwood Rise, just look for the manhole with the half inch bead of weld on all four sides…

Mr Budge

28DL Regular User
Regular User
ahh was here couple weeks back nice little wander, shame about the graffiti

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