built in 1932 the Nutbourne brick works comprised of workshops, narrow gauge railways, and factory buildings. the sites layout changed very little over the many years it was in operation. in the 1980 the site was deemed out dated and old fashioned, Redland bricks ltd who owned the site at the time proposed a total rebuild of the workings permission was granted in 1990, due to the plans being made during the slump in the building industry the rebuild was postponed and never resumed the site never re-opened
the site lay derelict until 2000 when a developer. the new owner submitted a planning application in September 08 for several stable blocks with accommodation for the workers a gate house and a larger house, but the plans were rejected by the county council, today the site remains derelict and a glimpse at industry in the 1930s.
it was a fairly relaxed solo explore apart from the hiding from the farmer who has acess to his land through the site
view from the main gate
one of the main buildings which has long since dropped to its knees
the kilns
sister of the colapsed building
the site lay derelict until 2000 when a developer. the new owner submitted a planning application in September 08 for several stable blocks with accommodation for the workers a gate house and a larger house, but the plans were rejected by the county council, today the site remains derelict and a glimpse at industry in the 1930s.
it was a fairly relaxed solo explore apart from the hiding from the farmer who has acess to his land through the site

view from the main gate
one of the main buildings which has long since dropped to its knees
the kilns
sister of the colapsed building