Heading to a festival with a pal and spotted this. Possibly the quickest explore I've ever done, theres not much going on here and the floors are all fucked so there's not all that much that can be explored.
info from wiki
The Old Manor Hospital was a psychiatric hospital in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. It functioned first as a Victorian private licensed house called Fisherton House or Fisherton House Asylum from the early 19th century. It was the largest private madhouse in the United Kingdom. By the 1990s there were few Service Patients remaining and the Department of Health encouraged the treatment of mental health problems within the community. Modern medicines ensured better control of symptoms and an outreach team assisted in preventing admission. The wards were gradually closed within the hospital until by the start of the 21st century a smaller new facility was planned and commissioned and the Old Manor closed.
Anyway, on with the report.
I liked the light from this angle and the acro-props
I love this little poster back from the days when only gay guys had AIDS and no one else.
Nice peely ceiling
Every UE'rs favourite
So... This is a light shade wedged between a slipped celing and a wall, I don't know how it happened but I wish I did. Weird.
more heavy decay
Some fat bastards been here.
These little drawings amuse me
Anyway, that's it. Hope you enjoyed.
info from wiki
The Old Manor Hospital was a psychiatric hospital in Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. It functioned first as a Victorian private licensed house called Fisherton House or Fisherton House Asylum from the early 19th century. It was the largest private madhouse in the United Kingdom. By the 1990s there were few Service Patients remaining and the Department of Health encouraged the treatment of mental health problems within the community. Modern medicines ensured better control of symptoms and an outreach team assisted in preventing admission. The wards were gradually closed within the hospital until by the start of the 21st century a smaller new facility was planned and commissioned and the Old Manor closed.
Anyway, on with the report.
I liked the light from this angle and the acro-props
I love this little poster back from the days when only gay guys had AIDS and no one else.
Nice peely ceiling
Every UE'rs favourite
So... This is a light shade wedged between a slipped celing and a wall, I don't know how it happened but I wish I did. Weird.
more heavy decay
Some fat bastards been here.
These little drawings amuse me
Anyway, that's it. Hope you enjoyed.