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Report - Old Royal High School Edinburgh-July 2023

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28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
I was was walking down regent rd in Edinburgh famous for the government building and calton hill when i saw this big important looking building but looked abandoned after further inspection i came to conclusion was definitely abandoned and did a quick google search and found out it was the old royal high school.It was built in the 19th century for the purpose of a state school but in 1970 it changed to new parliament house to house a devolved Scottish assembly.The royal high school relocated in 1968 the building was refurbished but didn’t provide sufficient backing for a devolved assembly and its debating chamber was used for meeting of the Scottish Grand Committee.Since 1998 the building has been empty but had many plans and ideas for the building but nothing went through the most recent proposition was to turn it into a hotel in 2021 but developers cancelled.

In 1826 the building cost the town council £34,000 and £500 was given by king George iv as a token of royal favour towards the school. Designed by Thomas Hamilton who was a Scottish architect and was his masterpiece of his career.

When I entered the sight I managed to see a door ajar and walked towards it I quickly realised there was on site security but was in the building for about half an hour and never crossed paths but it does look like some construction or development is happening inside












Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
Wow that's looking different! Good to see it's going to get a new use.

Nice one for spotting it and giving it a go too, sometimes places are just too interesting to pass by. Not sure if you've seen our original reports on the place, but this is how the debating chamber looked before it was ripped out -


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Wow that's looking different! Good to see it's going to get a new use.

Nice one for spotting it and giving it a go too, sometimes places are just too interesting to pass by. Not sure if you've seen our original reports on the place, but this is how the debating chamber looked before it was ripped out -
Wow wish i got there earlier it looks good nice pictures

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Wow that's looking different! Good to see it's going to get a new use.

Nice one for spotting it and giving it a go too, sometimes places are just too interesting to pass by. Not sure if you've seen our original reports on the place, but this is how the debating chamber looked before it was ripped out -

Ah I thought it was that one, such a shame it was stunning but at least they r doing something with it.

Exploring with Andy

Behind Closed Doors
Staff member
It's one of those where it's a bit of a shame to see everything just get ripped out, but there really wouldn't be another use for the place as it was inside. It's such a lovely old building from the outside, so best it gets a different use rather than getting totally ruined and demolished or set on fire.

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