Not really a pin collector, just pin when I find and remove when I'm done. Seen lots of mixed opinions on pin collecting on this site, what's everyone personal opinion and why?
Not sure what u mean really. pins = places, I aim to have as many as poss so as I can visit any area & have a pretty good chance of a few successful explores. I cant understand anyone going "we are going to go & do x place" & not having any backups if they cant get in etc.
Organising pins is a different issue, I have "want to go" then change to "favourite" when done, I DONT remove em because I will end up finding them on google & pinning them again forgetting Iv been!
I try to add labels & notes so I know what the pin is for example I may put "hospital watch for security", my mate dosent label anything & its a bit of a nightmare, we are often going places that he wont have a clue what it is till we get there.
I also use the orange star for anything that is demolished etc