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Report - - Pearce Leatherworks - Northampton - Feb 23 | Industrial Sites | Page 2 |

Report - Pearce Leatherworks - Northampton - Feb 23

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Didn't you already post this? Anyway we looked after the previous post and yeh too late.

One of those places that was always well looked after until it wasn't. Bit like the bluebird toffee place.

Bikin Glynn

28DL Regular User
Regular User
Didn't you already post this? Anyway we looked after the previous post and yeh too late.

One of those places that was always well looked after until it wasn't. Bit like the bluebird toffee place.
Nope, so far as I can see only other report is that one that has been dug up from 12. I believe I put these on fb group last yr which may be why it rings a bell.
It also has the same deco feel of the Northampton bus office I did.

I just ignored it myself for years just thinking it hasnt been reported so must be impossible or crap but lesson learnt should of done it ages ago.

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