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Report - - Pilkington Glass Factory, Kirk Sandall, Doncaster - July 2020 | Industrial Sites |

Report - Pilkington Glass Factory, Kirk Sandall, Doncaster - July 2020

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28DL Member
28DL Member
Apologies for the lack of quality, this is my first post here.

History (creds to @urbexrebel67 for this) - The Pilkington Glass Factory is located in Doncaster, in the Kirk Sandall Industrial Estate, in the outskirts of the town. Pilkington Glass was founded in 1826 as a partnership between members of the Pilkington and Greenall families and based in St Helens, Lancashire. During the 1960s and 1970s, Pilkington opened factories in many countries across the world including Argentina, Australia, Canada and Sweden. The firm was taken over by Japanese company NSG in 2006. NSG have left it in a neglected state of disrepair for over 10 years now. The factory closed in 2008 with the loss of more than 100 jobs. However, during its 80 years in business, they employed many more workers and Doncaster was famous nationally and internationally as a global centre of glass making. It's a widely known place, not only among the local urbex community, which isn't surprising, meaning that it unfortunately attracts hordes of vandals. This has resulted in it being stripped of many of its features. The company next door to this factory use parts of it as storage facilities for their railway sleepers.

Gaining access to the premises seemed to be much harder than expected due to the tight fortification, however access was gained nonetheless. Security wise we didn't encounter any problems nor did we encounter any employees attention from the site next door.

This was the first time entering the factory and it was definitely an interesting experience and one of the best I have viewed so far, its a shame so much of it has been vandalised. Below are some of the shots taken (on my OnePlus 6T). Not the greatest quality, but hope you enjoy regardless.










Thanks for looking!


Regular User
good to see again as I thought the whole thing had been demolished for some reason. I know the workshops have gone, but didn’t know this was still there. Nice one.


28DL Member
28DL Member
good to see again as I thought the whole thing had been demolished for some reason. I know the workshops have gone, but didn’t know this was still there. Nice one.
yeah the workshops look to have gone but the rest is about the same, doesn't seem like they're storing anything in there at the moment apart from lumber in the yard outside, not sure if there are any demolition plans however.

Calamity Jane

i see beauty in the unloved, places & things
Regular User
Nice 1st report. Nothing worry with this. In fact its decent quality. Welcome to 28dl world of posting, keep em coming :thumb

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