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Report - - Pleasure Island - Cleethorpes - Dec 23 | Leisure Sites |

Report - Pleasure Island - Cleethorpes - Dec 23

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28DL Member
28DL Member

Pleasure Island was an amusement park in Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire that operated from 1993 to 2016 and before that it was a Zoo in the 70s. It offered many rides and attractions, some more extreme but most more family friendly, such as scenic train rides and sea-lion shows. I remember going there many years ago but even when it was operational, it never struck me as particularly exciting so far as theme parks go and it always felt a little bit run down.

In the present day, all of the rides have been removed from the site but all the fantasy middle-east themed buildings still remain. It's future is currently up in the air but it seems like the wheels are in motion for developments into luxury flats or a new hosing estate in the relatively near future.


Myself and a visiting friend decided one afternoon that we should just go for it and try to get in. We'd just had snow and there was a thick fog covering the place so it was the perfect time to try and get in. Access required a bit of initial recce. A former access point I had identified had since been plugged but luckily, someway down the fence line, a new hole had been created. A bit of tight squeezing, barbed wire navigating and fence hopping later, we were in.



Since the site has been abandoned for nearly 8 years, the place has been vandalised, however not quite as much as I would've expected. The graffiti artists have been particularly restrained with this one.













Unfortunately almost all of the buildings were sealed up tight but I managed to poke the camera through a couple holes to get some interior shots.
















Overall the explore was good fun and it was very strange walking around a place I had personal history with, seeing it left to rot.

Thanks for looking

Old Git

28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
After its zoo days, it was a stock car track for a few years in the 80s which held the superstox world championship one year which i raced at, albeit in the support races. Never did find out why it finished and laid empty until the theme park was built, presumably.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
Wonderful shots. The snow is really setting a mysterious mood in them.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
visited this place when i was little! shame to see it like this, but they’re great shots. assume it’s looking even worse for wear now.


28DL Full Member
28DL Full Member
This makes me so sad. I visited here as a child, a teenager and then I made an effort to visit on its last week of operation. Its crazy to see how quickly stuff falls apart and returns to nature

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